Friday, December 15, 2006

Long Time No See!

Hi, and long time no see!
The temperature dropped, but not enough to snow. Since we are living near the bay, I have't seen snow cover for years! (sigh...) But, we still have lots rain.
We had a Christmas Party at Dad's school last week. A lot of people came, and the food was good! We had some live music until midnight! My Mom said that some of the band were still playing when we went out!
At home schooling, which I am doing right now writing this blog, we are doing computer programming. I think I talked about programming on 'Nothing to Do About Snakes'. Well, I am doing some fun programs that ask stuff like, 'What is your favorite music?: '. Really interesting stuff! I'm looking forward to making my own games!
I have put a new link to "My Mom's 'NEW' blog". You just look at the 'Links' list and click on "My Mom's 'NEW' Blog" and it will go to her page.
That's all for today! Almost a week until Christmas!
See ya!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

”読書の秋”: Autumn Reading

We are having some cloudy weather today. It's getting really cold too. But, today, it's ok!
Today I started to read Washington Living's "Rip Van Winkle". Before I started this story I finished Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island". It was a great story! Some of the words in the story were really old so it was a little hard to read. But, It was a good pirate story. If you saw the "Pirate's of the Caribbean"(1 or 2) you can see that Disney used some of the names and 'legends' in the story.
The story of "Rip Van Winkle" uses beautiful words, and you can see, as you read, a picture in you mind; mountains and clouds and people. It looks like a really shorter story than "Treasure Island", but there is a lot of dificult words in the story. Comment me on the 'comment link' right below this blog and tell me about your favorite books. I might use the book you like for my next story to read!
One month until Christmas! Wow, time flies! That's all for today!
See ya!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Man, It's cold!

It's cold and cloudy. It was warm 2 days ago. Where did the heat go!? Oh well.
We had a tsunami watch this Wednesday. Hokkido had a evacuation call. It was not bad. I was asleep that time when the tsunami hit Hokkido. It was just a 2 foot rise in water level, no problem.
Japan is really watching out for those tsunamis because in the year that I was born, a big tsunami struck at Hokkido and a village was wiped out and a lot of people died. 2 years ago, a big tsunami struck in the Indian sea area. That, time they did not have a tsunami watch system. Japan has a lot of tecnology so they know when to move. Hokkido's takeing a lot of hits! Tornado 1 day, tsunami the next! And it get's really cold there.
Well, that's all for today! I hope I get something warm for dinner.
See Ya!

My Blog Updates
'Links' :
My Mom's 'New' Blog
Coming soon!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tornado Strikes in Hokkaido

It's freezing! Maybe not that cold but, it was very cold this morning. Also the wind is strong.
Speaking of wind, there is a big news in Japan.

" 'Tornado kills at least nine in northern Japan'"
At least nine people were killed, at least 20 injured and others trapped under rubble when a tornado hit northern Japan Tuesday, local officials said.
Officials said the tornado demolished two prefabricated buildings at a construction site, about eight private houses and a factory.
Two people were still missing, said an official at the fire department in Engaru, on the northeastern part of Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. He added that rescue efforts were being hampered by rain and a power blackout."

Yes, there has been a tornado in "Hokkaido". The red X on the map is where the tornado struck.
Yestreday was very windy over here too! As you can see, on the news script, that the buildings were prefabricated. That advanced the destruction. It is really rare to have a tornado in Japan, they do not have the equipment for tornado watchs. Very scary!
It's beginning to be when you're hungry, and sleepy, and "It's too cold, I miss Summer." feeling. Ah! Winter! Why does it have to be so cold! Ah! Winter!
My Dad is watching the election on "CNN". I looks very complicated. And my Mom is still at work. She is substituting for an office worker at my Dad's school. That's all for today!
See Ya!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nothing to Do About Snakes!

It's cold! Last night, when I was outside, I already could see my breath. Today, it is a cloudy day. It was fine in the morning though.
My Dad has a cold. It started 4 days ago, I think the cold weather got him, I hope he gets better. Since I am doing "home schooling", I got to be careful not get his cold.
Today, a book has arrived. The book is about computer programing, "Python". It dosn't have anything to do about snakes! The name is named after the group called "The Monte 'Python' ". I don't know anything but "spam, spam, spam, spam..." from them. Well any way, the book came and we (my Dad and I) are going to use it for "home schooling"; computer programing. It's realy fun, it's like solving a puzzle. And making games are really fun.
Sorry about not haveing pictures on the last blog. I'm going to try it this time.
That's all for today! Try not to catch a cold!
See Ya!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Getting Colder

Today it might start to rain, and it's a bit cold. I have three layers of shirts on!
Our supermarket "ODOYA" is under construction. They started to sell all kinds of foreign stuff. It was inconvenient. The Seven Eleven convenience store was better than Odoya. But, when they started to sell foreign stuff (like Belgian chocolate!!) we started to go there a lot.
Tateyama has changed a lot since we came here. A brige was built, a lot of new shopping places were built, and a lot more houses were built. But, I think that it got a little noisy!
This month we might go to "Yokohama" to visit some freinds that moved there about 8 months ago. Yokohama is right beside Tokyo metropolitan area. But we live across Tokyo bay. So we might go by ferry.
There is also a bicycle show at Tokyo this month. We are looking forward to that too.
We started to get American Beef again in the stores ! And my Dad is fixing up steak sandwich! Hee hee hee!
I can't believe that it is November already! I didn't know that time flies that fast. And some how, I think this is going to be a very cold and a long winter.That's all for today!
Sorry no pictures today Blogger seems to be having problems with something.
See ya!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Halloween Party!

It was raining in the morning but, the sky is back to normal and it's beautiful!
The Halloween party was great! 52 kids with their parents! It was really a full house. Most of them were little kids from kindergarden or even pre-school! They were soooo CUTE!!! They had some good costumes too.
We did some pumpkin carving with some HUGE pumpkins. My Dad hurt his back a little when he was taking it to the party room. But, the kids made great jack-o-lanterns. Some of the pumpkin skins were hard and shaped really odd but, the kids tried to carve thruoght the hard skin and made some good jack-o-lanterns.
Also the "Trick or Treat" was a great succses. The owner of the "Akitaya ( A Japanese restaurant that we often go)" had a "Namahage Mask (a gnome mask) see picture at the right" and I had a noise maker and it was a little scary, but for the kids, ohoooo , it was scary. A lot of kids cried! But, after that they say that it was fun.
Well that's all for today. On my Dad's blog, he is going to blog about the "Bossa Nova Party" that was after the Halloween party. To go to his site just click the link that says "My Dad's Blog".
See ya!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Beautiful Day!

I love the weather, It's beautiful! It was a little cloudy yesterday but, it's back to normal now. It's been like this for a week and a half. I heard on the news that it snowed in New York and other locations in America. I didn't know that it was that cold over there.
Two days until "Halloween Party" and a "Bossa Nova party". My Dad's boss likes "Bossa Nova", in the evening we are going to have that and on the same day we have our Halloween Party. A little busy don't you think?
My Dad is in his October sports mode. Baseball, (American)Football, and the next sumo season starts in two weeks! It gives all the politicians of the world a break- no nasty e-mails! But,it dosn't give ME a break. Soon as I want to do something , like playing the video game, there is some thing on the television. Good grief!
Our water pipe was leaking so the workers are going in and out. My Dad is going to blog about this on his blog. You can go to his blog by clicking the link on the right of the page that says "My Dad's blog". My Mom is also doing a blog about ikebana. You can go to her page by clicking the link that says "My Mom's blog". She hasn't posted a long time. I took a picture of her recent work (The picture on the upper right hand corner).
Well that's all for today! See Ya!

Friday, October 13, 2006

New Links Added

The weather is beautiful! No sign of rain clouds at all!
I have put a link on the right side of the page that says "Links". The one that says "Tateyama Station WebCam" is a live camera of our local station view. (The picture on the upper right hand corner is the station from my Dad's home town in America, Grafton, W.V., and on the left is our local station. )You can control the camera by clicking the "Start control" button. Some of the controls do not work so just play around with it. Below the "Tateyama Station WebCam" there is another webcam from "Wada" beach area. You can control the camera as well.
I also put a link to my Dad's new blog called "Japan a la carte". Don't be confused by the name, it's in English! Just click on the link that says "My Dad's Blog".
I have seen the airplane crash in New York. First I thought it was another terrorist attack. But, it was a two seater airplane so I think it was an accident. I am sorry for the N.Y. Yankees pitcher, Cory Lidle. I wonder why he was flying that low. And he looked like a safe pilot too.
That's all for today. Next time, I will try not to blog a lot about links!!
See ya!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Halloween Party on the 21st!

Finally the season is nice! It's been like this for 4 days. But, they say that its going to rain tonight. We don't know yet!
On the 21st, we are going to have a Halloween party at Dad's English school. We are going to carve some jack-o-lanterns, and play all kinds of games and have treats. We are going to do trick or treat too! There is this scary place to go, but it's just a harmless restaurant.
I remember when I was in America, I was a spider. My Mom makes great costumes. She makes it scary. There was a house decorated real scary, I ran back down the stairs. I met people with great costumes, and I got a lot of candy too! In Japan, we don't do any thing like that. I realy miss it, but I just thought that I am too big for that now! I wish there was trick or treat for big kids!
Well, I hope it will not rain tonight. I love shiny weather.
The picture is from Tateyama station today.
I will put a link for a "web cam" of Tateyama statio. This is the site>>
That's all for today!
See ya!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Discover Japan!

It's raining today (AGAIN!!!). And it's cold outside.
Tomorrow, my Dad will be not home for two days because there is "English camp" for the school he is working for. They are going to the "Hakkakusou". I think it means "eight sided house" in Japanese. A lot of foreigners stay there for a few days to learn about Japan, many people from Tokyo, including kids too! The owner of the place is Mr. David Green. He came to Japan and he wanted to tell every body how great Japan is. His homepage address is . There is a English site and a Japanese site. And right now he is making another place for his camp. I hope it will not rain tomorrow.
I feel that autumn is here. No sign of summer any more. That's all for today!
See Ya!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We Love "Nabe-mono"!

It's a rainy day today. The sun was out for about an hour but, it started to cloud up again.
Last week my Dad had a 1 week vacation . We had a power walk on Monday. We just walked up the hill near by. It took about an hour. It was a great workout. That night, since it was cold, we had " nabe-mono". "Nabe-mono is a Japanese dish. You put meat, vegetables and other kinds of stuff in a broth. The word "nabe" means "pot" or a "earthen ware pot" in Japanese. You put all the ingredients in the pot and heat it up. There are all kinds of nabe-mono. There are sea food nabe, meat nabe, and the sumo wrestlers like the "chanco nabe. It has alot of nutrition for them.
The sun is coming out again. I hope it will clear up tomorrow.
Well, thats all for today. See ya!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Tokyo Special (Part 3)

The weather is nice and the temperature is low. Today I am going to blog about day 2 in Tokyo.

The Lightning Gate
We had a good night's sleep in a fluffy bed; the hotel was great, nice toilets and a plasma TV. We had our breakfast downstairs, and it was almost full already.
It was a rainy day. I thought it would never stop because of the typhoon. But it stopped! There was a place we wanted to go. That place is called the "Lightning Gate","Kaminari mon" in Japanese. You can see my Dad standing below the big red lantern. It was in the morning so it was not too crowded. My Mom bought us delicious sweet bean pastries. There was all kinds of nice looking stuff, like japanese umbrellas and key holders.
Hours past and we headed back to Tokyo Station. We went underground where there are a lot of food shops. It's called "chika gai". Every time we go to Tokyo we stop by there. Well, it was time to go and we got on the bus and saw the famous spots.
So, this is the end of the special series about Tokyo.
The next blog, I am going to blog normally.
That's all for today! See ya!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tokyo Special (Part 2)

A nice day here in Japan! It was a little cloudy in the morning.
Today is part 2 from the last time's blog.

My Autographed T-shirt.
While the lower class wrestlers were fighting, we went where the wrestlers come in and out, to get pictures and autographs. That day I had on a T-shirt with a picture of me and one of the Russian wrestlers that my father took last time. I wanted to get his autograph on it, so I waited there. Before he came his younger brother came. So I got his autograph on the back of my T-shirt. After that, his apprentice said, looking at the picture, "Hey! That's your brother!". And I waited a little longer and he came! But, it is really hard to get an autograph before their match. So, the first time I couldn't get it because his apprentice said no. But, as he pasted by, he saw the picture on my T-shirt and said, "Oh!". So, after his match was over I went outside and got his autograph on my shirt.
(The picture on the right is his younger brother "Hakurozan" and on the bottom is him, "Rohou")
That's all for today! Next is Day 2 in Tokyo (part 3).
See ya!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tokyo Special (Part 1)

Hi Guys!
The weather is beautiful. The typhoon didn't hit us. But, unluckily, it still rained.
For the next few days, I am going to blog about the trip to Tokyo, with some pictures that I took.

Trip To Sumo
The main reason for going to Tokyo was to watch some Sumo. Since it was a weekend there were a lot of people lined up to get their tickets. We had to wait for an hour. When we got in, they were already doing sumo. But, the people playing were the lower class wrestlers. But, even if they are lower class it is interesting to watch. One of bouts was about 3 minutes long. Some were ties and were played one more time!
That's all for today! The next blog is part 2. See ya!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Viva Sumo!

The temperature is falling like a rock. My Dad is not getting much sleep because of that. But, the weather is beautiful. I'm composing this outside. Well, what do you know, it's starting to rain! Not that much.
Sunday to Monday we are going to Tokyo! On Sunday, we are going to "Sumo". And we are going to stay for the night. On Monday we are going to do some sight seeing. But, the problem is, a typhoon might meet us there.
I shouldn't brag about the weather. It's cloudy now!
In the afternoon, we are going to watch some american football. My Dad is happy because of the sports. We have sumo and football and baseball playoffs coming!
That's all for now. I'm going to lunch! I'm hungry!!!!!!
See Ya!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is Not "Boaring"!

I was wrong about the weather; it's not getting cool! It's 93 at Tokyo! But we can hear the autumn insects. Typhoon #12 is coming but, I don't think it's coming here. The weather is beautiful. We can see the stars clearly. We have a telescope, but it does not work very well.
My Dad's on a diet AGAIN! He says that alot, and it does not last long. He just told me that New Years is the tough part because the food is so good! Well, we started to do "road work" ( running ) in the morning. Last time, I put weights on my wrist! We also play "DDR" (Dance Dance Revolution) on my "Game Cube". It's fun and, very exhausting!
Sometime, when we come back home from our "road work", we go through rice paddies and some vegetable gardens. The people there often give us some very good looking vegetables! And on Monday, my music teacher brought us some wild boar! It was GOOOD- a lot of nice people around Japan! Our workout is not working because of all the food we get! LOL
But, a lot of it is healthy.
That's all for today!

Monday, August 28, 2006

End of Summer Vacation

Hello out there!
My short summer vacation has ended, and back to school for me!
Some of the leaves are starting to change color, and the hot, hot and hot temperature is gradually getting cool. Yes, Fall is coming! It's almost "sports day" for a lot of schools in Japan. I think I blogged about sports day when I was in elementary school.
Sports day is a event for a lot of schools in Japan.
Most popular is the "ohtama corogashi".
It means "roll the BIG ball" in Japanese. It's a race rolling a big, big ball.
When I was in Hojo elementry school, this sports day made teachers crazy! We had to stay late there for a long time just to do something! And I hated the "kumitaisou", you have to make a pyramid with 8 kids. I was all ways at the bottom! I'm glad I'm in home schooling now!
That's all for today! See ya!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Movie Time!!

Hi guys!
We had a weak "typhoon" (A storm not as strong as a hurricane) and we had
three of them! But, no problem! One was weak, one was stuck on Taiwan! The one we had was called "Maria". It will clear for a while now. Oh boy.
Last week, we went to the beach to do some beachcombing. It was a nice and hot day, the tide was not dangerous at all. The problem was that there were no shells! And the tide didn't seem to go out. But, we had a good time.
The day after that, we went to see"Pirates of the Caribbean/Dead Man's Chest"! I can't tell you about the story because it will spoil the movie! But one thing I want to say is that it's a great, great, GREAT movie! And you have to see the first movie to enjoy the second one! There is going to be a third "Pirates" too! I can't wait to see it!!
Yesterday, my Dad and I had our own "film festival". We saw "the Matrix Revolutions" and "i,Robot"
"Matrix" is famous for action scenes. Good graphics too! "i,Robot" is based on a story in Chicago year 2035. It's a good movie too!
Well this weekend we are going to watch flamenco. Every year we have a flamenco festival of university students from all over Japan. This is the 5th time we will go there.
It is a beautiful concert. I wish you could see it!

That's all for today! See ya!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Summer is Here!

Hey, hey, hey!
Summer vacation has started! But, I still have home schooling to do!
Rainy season is finally over. It might rain some more but the hard weather is gone.
It might rain this weekend.
The picture is from my Dad's friend in West Virginia, they are baby geese.
The women here are giving up their umbrellas for sun shade umbrellas called "higasa"
It is geting hot and the A.C. is on most of the time. We can hear the cicada, or as they say "Katydids". My Father can't hear them but, we can!
That's all for today! See ya!
Blog tip
You can comment on my blog by clicking the "comments" button and type anything you want to say to me! eg.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sea Day

Hello world!
The rain just let up and the hot sun is coming out!
We had a three day weekend. Monday was "Sea Day
Why do we have Sea Day? Well, in America the land is
big and some of the people can't see the 'sea'! And some
people get to eat fish occasionally. We eat a lot of fish , here in Japan , like three or four times a week. We love the sea( If it's not so windy)! So, Japan made a day to celebrate the sea. The picture is a fishing boat and the flag means that they caught a lot of fish.
It's geting hot! We got a 95 F last week. I went to Aikido that day ! We don't have any AC at the practice hall! But, today we have a little break (77 F).
That's all for today! See Ya!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Duke's Robots

Long time since the last blog.
We want to cook out but, every weekend the weatherman
says it's going to rain. The bad thing is, it didn't rain a bit! Give us a break!
Remember I was talking about my "Lego Mindstorms". The first time I got that set, I was about 7 years old. The set was for 12 years up. So, I didn't know what was going on! I gave up on it . Then we moved to Japan and brought the set with us. I wanted to restart again. I finally understood it! Then a motor didn't work. I gave up again. Then one day I saw a robot show and there was the "Lego Mindstorms" robot running around. Then again I wanted to play with it. So I ordered a motor, and it arrived. We tested the motor but, the motor went backwords! Give me a break! We send it back and finally got a new one that does work! HOORAY, HOORAY! Above is a picture of the robot.
That's all for today!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Crow Wars 4

Hi everyone!
It's raining, but not cold.
I'm waiting for a delivery. I ordered a motor for my "Lego Mindstorms".
Lego Mindstorms is a kit that you can make your oun robot and program it.
I had two motors working but when I wanted to play with it, one of the motors
was jammed and didn't work. So I'm waiting, and waiting.
Tokyo is still invaded by crows. But, a force to fight down the crows has
arrived. They are "BEES"! Yesterday we saw a animal show on television.
They are makeing honey in central Tokyo. A few days later, a lot of the crows disappeared!
Why? Bees attack any thing that is black. So they attack the black crows!
I can hear the crows complaining now.
Well that's all for today! Don't wear anything black! see ya!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Japan's loss!

Hi! The weather is sunny and a little warmer than yesterday.
Last night's World Cup's (Japan vs. Australia) result was too bad.
They were winning for first half of the game. Then in the second half, Australia got a goal.
Tying up is no problem but, 1 minute after they got another goal, and another one!
Gee! Oh well. Japan's next opponent is Croatia! I hope thay can win this time.
We got a new bbq and smoker set! It's getting warmer so we want to eat outside.
A LOT! But, here we have "A LOT" of wind! Food flying all over the place!
After home school, my Dad and I always play my new flying game "Star Wars " (I can't
spell the rest!). We get really excited playing it.
Well that's all for today! See Ya!

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup Started!

Hello! The weather is fine but, a little cool.
The guitar performance was a great success, my Dad said.
I think the same way too!
My neck is getting better. I need to move to get better.
I'm back in home school now. I have another test tomorrow,
spelling and Arabic. Spelling is OK but the Arabic is , Uhuu!
But, I'm learning little by little my Dad says. It's tough but, when
I get it, it's fun!
Tonight is a big night! (morning in America.)
World cup Japan vs. Australia!
We slept in the afternoon so I get to see it. It's on at 10 pm here.
Most games are on at 2 am! Australia has a lot of tall athletes so I'm nervous.
Well that's all for today! See you!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Guitar Performance!

Hi! It's raining but, it looks like it's going to stop.
Well, today I had an Arabic writing test and I had 98%! Good score.
I think tests are bad for your heart!
I also made an Arabic movie with my Legos.
I'm still working on it so I'm excited about finishing it.
Tomorow I have a guitar performance. I'm going to do a solo, and a duet with my teacher.
My legs are shaking just typing this. But I'm going to be O.K.
I remember the time that I did a performance at school.
I have had a neck strain for 4 days. I still feel some pain now. But, I'm getting better!!
That's all! See you!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Morning Haiku

Hi! It's a beautiful day. We ate breakfast outside and we composed "haiku"
because it was so beautiful.
My Dad's haiku is;

A summer morning
while eating breakfast
seahawks song.

My haiku is;


  The morning sky
  you can barely see
  the seahawks fly.

I hope you have a beautiful day too,
   try to write a haiku!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Outside is Great!

Hi and "T.G.I.F."!
Yes, it's Friday in Japan. We are having some good weather too.
Did you recognize on the last blog that I made a bilingual blog? The Japanese
was for the people that gave me the "tatejiku" - hanging scroll. I might write another Japanese
blog for my friends!
The weather cleared up so we started to do a class outside. It's a bit windy, but
It was better than inside! We eat outside too. I can't wait until SUMMER!!!!!
Well that's all for today. See you at Monday!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Japanese poetry 日本の短歌(日本語つき)

Hi readers!
We have a sunny day today! Yahoooooooooo!
Today's news is about Japanese poetry.
When I was in the 6th grade, we had a Japanese poetry
contest for all kids in Japan. It was homework for the winter break.
So, I just made an easy poem;
"My father, even though he is American,
the things he likes
are Japanese.
Martial arts and food"
and submitted it.
Then a few weeks past and I forgot all about the contest. Then I was sent a message by one
of the teachers. I went in the teachers room and I handed him the message.
Then another teacher said that I won 4th place in the contest! I could not
believe it. I got a prize for it (not money!!). Yesterday I got a "tatejiku",
a Japanese way hanging a poem, written it beautiful calligraphy.
I was very surprised to get it from Mrs Hoshino and the Shikinami no kai;
the organization that sponsors the contest each year.
You can see it in the picture to the right.
I hope to write more poetry in the future.
Well that's all !

「マイファーザー アメリカ人 でも 好きなもの 日本の武道 日本の食事」
という短歌を「しきなみ子供短歌 コンテスト」にだして4位をとりました。

Friday, May 19, 2006

Crow Wars 3

Hi guys! It was raining AGAIN until lunch time. Actually, now I can see the sun! HOORAY!
But if I look at my weather wigit on "Google Desktop" it will rain AGAIN tomorow.
My Mom and Dad are getting crazy. Actually I am too. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Well, I will stop goofing and go on with the blog.
Remember when I blogged about the crows? I don't know, but I think they are trying to conquer
Japan! I saw on the news that the population of crows, in Japan, is going to be bigger than the
population of people! Talk about OH, NO!!!! What should we do?!Oh well.
Yesterday I had Tai Chi and it was FUN! I also make silly movies that plays on Windows movie player!
Well, that's all for today! Watch out for the crows!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mars is Cool!

Hi everyone! It's still raining, and for the next few days too! I wish it would stop soon.
Today I studied about Mars. It has 2 moons Phobos and Deimos. They say that they
are asteroids that have been captured by the Martian gravity. In 50,000 years Phobos
will crash into Mars. We don't care! Phobos means "fear" and Demios means "panic"
in Greek.
There is a mountain, volcano actually, called "Olympus Mons". It is 88,000 feet (27,000 meters)high!
It is the biggest mountain in the solar system! Also there is a canyon so long it can go from California to New York!
Thats all! See Ya!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tai Chi is Great!

Hello! The weather is little better than yesterday, and it got
a little warmer too. But a tropical storm is coming this way!
But do not worry, it's not like a hurricane.
Today I'd like to talk about "Tai Chi". Tai Chi is a Chinese
martial art, but it is very slow and good for all ages.
I started three weeks ago. It is very strange because
when you move, you can feel something in your hand.
That is "Ki"! I also study Aikido. It also has Ki. That's
why I'm studying Tai Chi. I hope I get good at it.
People in China do it until they are very old!
That's all for today! See Ya!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Home School Started!

Hi! This is my 1st blog since I started home schooling.
I study Japanese, Arabic, English, math and much more!
My favorite is computer programming. It's hard, but when
you get to know how it works you can make games and
little programs.
Today in Japan the weather is cloudy and it has been raining
almost every day, but yesterday was fine. It's not getting warm
I went to the Prado museum exhibition in Tokyo. A lot of good
art and a lot of people! Well, we got to see the art with no trouble
so we had a good time.
That's all for today!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hooray!! Japan won the world series of baseball!!
I don't watch baseball alot, but this game was goood!
Hi! I finally graduated from Hojo elementary!
You can see on top, there is a picture of my diploma.
On my next blog I'd like to put some more pictures from my graduation.
In America it's not even close to graduation season.
But in Japan we have graduation in March.
We have a break for about 2 weeks. Then, back to (home)school again!
That's all for today. See Ya!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Hey!! It is gray Sunday in Japan. My Dad is watching Sumo, and Mom is cooking pasta!!
She is a really good cook!
Today I'd like to talk about robots!
I love robots! You can see that I have one too!
Robots in Japan are really cool. One time we went to a robot fair, and I saw robot guards that
were runing in the fair, robots just like a real human and "Karakuri", Japanese for contraption.
Thay are selling them too. I am looking forward to the future.
That's all for today, and I like getting comments for my blog so I can get some ideas for my next
blog. See Ya!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Graduation Time!

Hi! It's a nice day in Japan, and I had a 24 hrs virus.
First we though it was the flu. My temperature was up to 102.
I had a good nap for 13 hrs and I feel much better now.
Today I am going to talk about graduation in my school.
I am going to graduate to junior high school in a week.
My school "Hojo elemetary" is crazy about graduation.
Now we are doing practice for it ALL DAY! For 2 weeks!!
Why? No idea!!!
Stand up, bow sit down, time, after time, after time!!
Maybe that's why I had a virus! Well it's one more week until graduation, and I hope I can blog often after that.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Fog

Hello out there! Long time since I bloged last time.
Today is a cold, cloudy and Sunday in Japan, and like any Sunday you got to go back
to work, go back to school the next day. I wished for a long day, but the next thing you know
it is 5:00 pm!
Anyway I'm going to talk about horror movies.
I don't watch alot of horror movies so it's hard to talk about them but I saw "THE FOG".
Really scary! But I noticed some thing about the movies, 1st you know something's up
on this scene, and 2nd thought you think there is nothing, and next "BOOM!'' something
come's out.
But it was a great movie!
Well that's all for today.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

School Days 2 (The pool)

Really cold and a good day in Japan; it snowed really hard yesterday in Tokyo!
Today I will talk about my school again (Part 2).
Well, at last, I can chatter in japanese and, of course I made a lot of friends!
It was summer that time so we had pool but, I lived in America and, like a lot of countries, didn't have a pool.
I was thinking that swiming was a piece of cake. But no!! I could not even float that time!
But now I can swim (a little).

Saturday, January 14, 2006


It has been a while since I blogged. We started school again so I think I can't blog unless it is a weekend.
Anyway, it is a nasty day in Japan and I just heard thunder too.
Tomorrow we are going to Tokyo to see sumo!!!
I am really excited, and I love bus trips!
Sumo is japanese wrestling. In the Edo period ( I am not sure) if you were late to wrestle, or did something stupid you would get your throat cut!
Uuuu~. Well of course, now they do not do that any more. But, the referee still carries a knife.
Above is a picture of me with Roho, a Russian sumo star, taken last year.
I finally got my Ipod! When I get used to it I am thinking of starting a podcast. So please be waiting for my podcast!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My First Day in School

Today in the morning there was snow on the ground, but first I thought I was dreaming!
Today's story is about my friends and school.This is my school in the picture.(sports day).
My 1st day of school in Japan I did not know anything about the school rules, and I only knew "Hello","Thank you" and easy words that do not work in conversation.
(me)"PANIC, PANIC, PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, I'm finally in the class room and my teacher was talking about something that I never heard before.
(Teacher), "@^#^#%&#^@$!!~$(^$^)*&^&"
(me), "EE?"
Then I was puting my backpack in my locker and suddenly the students ran to me and tried to say something all at once.
I almost could not breath!! Well, anyway we were studying math and arts, and then "kanji"(Chinese style characters). (I hate kanji!!)
Thay have 2001 kinds of kanji!! How can you learn that much !!!!!!
Well, my school adventure has begun and I will write more about it tomorrow.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Crow Wars II

Today is a strange day again and is cold, cold, cold!!!!!!!!!!!
This a sequel of yesterday's story.
I saw this in a japanese newspaper, that someone saw a crow puting a "nut" on the road and waiting for a few seconds,
then a car runs over the nut and opens it, and the crow got the nut and flu away.
So you can see that the smarty crow used the car as a nut cracker.
There is one more story that I experienced.
We were going on a trip to Tokyo, and we had to change trains.
It was boring waiting so I was watching a crow on the train, and the train started to move so the crow moved away.
Then one more train came, and the crow got up on the train again, then again.
I thought there was some thing strange about the crow, then I saw again that the crow was eating something!
So this crow was using the train as a free lunch buffet! Dad and I called the crow "Action Star", because it was living dangerously.
Well is the weekend again, and 4 more days until school starts, it will be good to see my friends again.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Crow Wars

Today when I got up, I heard crows squawking outside so I thought It was going to be a nice day, but nooo!
It's cloudy and snowing, but the snow will not stick.I love snow, but if it doesn't stick it's boring!!!!
Oh! It's starting to stick!
Well the story today is about japanese crows. Some of the crows act like parakeets.
One crow cawed, "OHAYOU!!"(good morning in japanese), and another crow was disgusting!
They are big and you can get really close to them. In Tokyo you can not get close to the garbage bins because you will get hit by them.
They are everywere! 20,000 crows fly in to Tokyo every day and fly out at night. It looks like an air force coming in.
Well, that's all for today, and thank you to "Links" in Malaysia for posting a comment on yesterdays blog.
My Dad has had a blog for 2 years and never got a comment.
My Mom has a blog of japanese flower arrangement so go take a look. I have put a link to the right.
If the snow sticks I will post a picture.