Friday, May 19, 2006

Crow Wars 3

Hi guys! It was raining AGAIN until lunch time. Actually, now I can see the sun! HOORAY!
But if I look at my weather wigit on "Google Desktop" it will rain AGAIN tomorow.
My Mom and Dad are getting crazy. Actually I am too. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Well, I will stop goofing and go on with the blog.
Remember when I blogged about the crows? I don't know, but I think they are trying to conquer
Japan! I saw on the news that the population of crows, in Japan, is going to be bigger than the
population of people! Talk about OH, NO!!!! What should we do?!Oh well.
Yesterday I had Tai Chi and it was FUN! I also make silly movies that plays on Windows movie player!
Well, that's all for today! Watch out for the crows!

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