Monday, May 22, 2006

Japanese poetry 日本の短歌(日本語つき)

Hi readers!
We have a sunny day today! Yahoooooooooo!
Today's news is about Japanese poetry.
When I was in the 6th grade, we had a Japanese poetry
contest for all kids in Japan. It was homework for the winter break.
So, I just made an easy poem;
"My father, even though he is American,
the things he likes
are Japanese.
Martial arts and food"
and submitted it.
Then a few weeks past and I forgot all about the contest. Then I was sent a message by one
of the teachers. I went in the teachers room and I handed him the message.
Then another teacher said that I won 4th place in the contest! I could not
believe it. I got a prize for it (not money!!). Yesterday I got a "tatejiku",
a Japanese way hanging a poem, written it beautiful calligraphy.
I was very surprised to get it from Mrs Hoshino and the Shikinami no kai;
the organization that sponsors the contest each year.
You can see it in the picture to the right.
I hope to write more poetry in the future.
Well that's all !

「マイファーザー アメリカ人 でも 好きなもの 日本の武道 日本の食事」
という短歌を「しきなみ子供短歌 コンテスト」にだして4位をとりました。

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