Sunday, June 11, 2006

Guitar Performance!

Hi! It's raining but, it looks like it's going to stop.
Well, today I had an Arabic writing test and I had 98%! Good score.
I think tests are bad for your heart!
I also made an Arabic movie with my Legos.
I'm still working on it so I'm excited about finishing it.
Tomorow I have a guitar performance. I'm going to do a solo, and a duet with my teacher.
My legs are shaking just typing this. But I'm going to be O.K.
I remember the time that I did a performance at school.
I have had a neck strain for 4 days. I still feel some pain now. But, I'm getting better!!
That's all! See you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Duke,
We received your card today and were thrilled to hear from your family. The Broken Egg ladies will love that you have given us a little of what you are doing on your Blog. When your family visits us, I promise you sausage gravy and biscuits.
I was happy and proud that you are studying Arabic. Since my grandparents were from Lebanon, my heart is very sad right now for all the people in the Mid-east. I hope that soon peace will be among them. Please tell your mother that her flower arrangements are beautiful just as I remember her with both an outer and an inner beauty. Give your father our best wishes and hopefully we can keep in touch.
An old parish friend,