Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup Started!

Hello! The weather is fine but, a little cool.
The guitar performance was a great success, my Dad said.
I think the same way too!
My neck is getting better. I need to move to get better.
I'm back in home school now. I have another test tomorrow,
spelling and Arabic. Spelling is OK but the Arabic is , Uhuu!
But, I'm learning little by little my Dad says. It's tough but, when
I get it, it's fun!
Tonight is a big night! (morning in America.)
World cup Japan vs. Australia!
We slept in the afternoon so I get to see it. It's on at 10 pm here.
Most games are on at 2 am! Australia has a lot of tall athletes so I'm nervous.
Well that's all for today! See you!

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