Thursday, June 15, 2006

Japan's loss!

Hi! The weather is sunny and a little warmer than yesterday.
Last night's World Cup's (Japan vs. Australia) result was too bad.
They were winning for first half of the game. Then in the second half, Australia got a goal.
Tying up is no problem but, 1 minute after they got another goal, and another one!
Gee! Oh well. Japan's next opponent is Croatia! I hope thay can win this time.
We got a new bbq and smoker set! It's getting warmer so we want to eat outside.
A LOT! But, here we have "A LOT" of wind! Food flying all over the place!
After home school, my Dad and I always play my new flying game "Star Wars " (I can't
spell the rest!). We get really excited playing it.
Well that's all for today! See Ya!

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