Friday, November 17, 2006

Man, It's cold!

It's cold and cloudy. It was warm 2 days ago. Where did the heat go!? Oh well.
We had a tsunami watch this Wednesday. Hokkido had a evacuation call. It was not bad. I was asleep that time when the tsunami hit Hokkido. It was just a 2 foot rise in water level, no problem.
Japan is really watching out for those tsunamis because in the year that I was born, a big tsunami struck at Hokkido and a village was wiped out and a lot of people died. 2 years ago, a big tsunami struck in the Indian sea area. That, time they did not have a tsunami watch system. Japan has a lot of tecnology so they know when to move. Hokkido's takeing a lot of hits! Tornado 1 day, tsunami the next! And it get's really cold there.
Well, that's all for today! I hope I get something warm for dinner.
See Ya!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw that newspaper today. It had riseing in water in Tateyama too(they said it was 60cm rise in water). I think that was same hight.