Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tokyo Special (Part 2)

A nice day here in Japan! It was a little cloudy in the morning.
Today is part 2 from the last time's blog.

My Autographed T-shirt.
While the lower class wrestlers were fighting, we went where the wrestlers come in and out, to get pictures and autographs. That day I had on a T-shirt with a picture of me and one of the Russian wrestlers that my father took last time. I wanted to get his autograph on it, so I waited there. Before he came his younger brother came. So I got his autograph on the back of my T-shirt. After that, his apprentice said, looking at the picture, "Hey! That's your brother!". And I waited a little longer and he came! But, it is really hard to get an autograph before their match. So, the first time I couldn't get it because his apprentice said no. But, as he pasted by, he saw the picture on my T-shirt and said, "Oh!". So, after his match was over I went outside and got his autograph on my shirt.
(The picture on the right is his younger brother "Hakurozan" and on the bottom is him, "Rohou")
That's all for today! Next is Day 2 in Tokyo (part 3).
See ya!

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