Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is Not "Boaring"!

I was wrong about the weather; it's not getting cool! It's 93 at Tokyo! But we can hear the autumn insects. Typhoon #12 is coming but, I don't think it's coming here. The weather is beautiful. We can see the stars clearly. We have a telescope, but it does not work very well.
My Dad's on a diet AGAIN! He says that alot, and it does not last long. He just told me that New Years is the tough part because the food is so good! Well, we started to do "road work" ( running ) in the morning. Last time, I put weights on my wrist! We also play "DDR" (Dance Dance Revolution) on my "Game Cube". It's fun and, very exhausting!
Sometime, when we come back home from our "road work", we go through rice paddies and some vegetable gardens. The people there often give us some very good looking vegetables! And on Monday, my music teacher brought us some wild boar! It was GOOOD- a lot of nice people around Japan! Our workout is not working because of all the food we get! LOL
But, a lot of it is healthy.
That's all for today!

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