Thursday, January 05, 2006

Crow Wars

Today when I got up, I heard crows squawking outside so I thought It was going to be a nice day, but nooo!
It's cloudy and snowing, but the snow will not stick.I love snow, but if it doesn't stick it's boring!!!!
Oh! It's starting to stick!
Well the story today is about japanese crows. Some of the crows act like parakeets.
One crow cawed, "OHAYOU!!"(good morning in japanese), and another crow was disgusting!
They are big and you can get really close to them. In Tokyo you can not get close to the garbage bins because you will get hit by them.
They are everywere! 20,000 crows fly in to Tokyo every day and fly out at night. It looks like an air force coming in.
Well, that's all for today, and thank you to "Links" in Malaysia for posting a comment on yesterdays blog.
My Dad has had a blog for 2 years and never got a comment.
My Mom has a blog of japanese flower arrangement so go take a look. I have put a link to the right.
If the snow sticks I will post a picture.

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