Friday, January 06, 2006

Crow Wars II

Today is a strange day again and is cold, cold, cold!!!!!!!!!!!
This a sequel of yesterday's story.
I saw this in a japanese newspaper, that someone saw a crow puting a "nut" on the road and waiting for a few seconds,
then a car runs over the nut and opens it, and the crow got the nut and flu away.
So you can see that the smarty crow used the car as a nut cracker.
There is one more story that I experienced.
We were going on a trip to Tokyo, and we had to change trains.
It was boring waiting so I was watching a crow on the train, and the train started to move so the crow moved away.
Then one more train came, and the crow got up on the train again, then again.
I thought there was some thing strange about the crow, then I saw again that the crow was eating something!
So this crow was using the train as a free lunch buffet! Dad and I called the crow "Action Star", because it was living dangerously.
Well is the weekend again, and 4 more days until school starts, it will be good to see my friends again.

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