Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The View From our House

This is a story when we start living in Japan.
One day my Dad and I went for a little hike over the hill behind our house.
It was a piece of cake (kind of),but when we were going back to the house,I saw this huge mountain over the ocean.
(me)>"Dad is that Mt.Fuji!?"
(Dad)>"No,its to!? Son, that might be it!"
You can see for yourself! The picture above shows Mt.Fuji in the distance, in front, on the hill top, is Tateyama castle.
After we saw Japan's most famous mountain we showed Mom.
She couldent believe it too!
I can see it all day if it's a clear day.
That's all for today.

1 comment:

Linx said...

its very nice!!! How lucky u are!