Saturday, January 07, 2006

My First Day in School

Today in the morning there was snow on the ground, but first I thought I was dreaming!
Today's story is about my friends and school.This is my school in the picture.(sports day).
My 1st day of school in Japan I did not know anything about the school rules, and I only knew "Hello","Thank you" and easy words that do not work in conversation.
(me)"PANIC, PANIC, PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, I'm finally in the class room and my teacher was talking about something that I never heard before.
(Teacher), "@^#^#%&#^@$!!~$(^$^)*&^&"
(me), "EE?"
Then I was puting my backpack in my locker and suddenly the students ran to me and tried to say something all at once.
I almost could not breath!! Well, anyway we were studying math and arts, and then "kanji"(Chinese style characters). (I hate kanji!!)
Thay have 2001 kinds of kanji!! How can you learn that much !!!!!!
Well, my school adventure has begun and I will write more about it tomorrow.

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