Monday, September 03, 2007

Summer is Done!

Summer vacation is over and I'm back in school! It got cooler, but the weather person says that it's going to be 31'C (87.8'F) today. It's cloudy ,and it could rain.
We went to Tokyo last week for a 3 day stay. We didn't go to watch Sumo this time, we went there for some sightseeing. We went to some new buildings, mostly fashion stores, but the food shops there were cool. We went for lunch in one of them and the inside was like a cave in the Carribean. The volume of the food there was HUGE! Dad barely finished his , and Mom couldn't finish hers, so I had to help her!
We also went to a movie called "Ratatouille". It's about a rat named Remy with a taste for good 'food' rather than garbage. I don't want to tell you too much, but it's a cute movie.
That's all for today
See ya!

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