Thursday, September 06, 2007

Typhoooon #7!

We've have a typhoon approching. The wind is howling, and it's raining nonstop. But, not to worry, because it's not as strong or dangerous as a hurricane. It's more like a tropical depression. The map on the top show's the path, and the white dot passes the Izu peninsula. It's also very slow.
Apple has unveiled their new iPods. An new iPod nano that can play movies, and a very new iPod called the iPod Touch. It's just an iPhone without a phone! You can see movie's, your pictures (in a very cool way!). It also has a special button to go on Youtube! It has a wireless browser, Safari, so you can surf the net almost anywhere. If you want to know more, you can go to
That's all for today!
Hope the typhoon dies out quicker!
See ya!

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