Monday, September 10, 2007

Storm Results

It's another rainy day today here in Japan. It might rain for the whole week. Strange, because usually after a typhoon it's usually clear for a week. There's another typhoon that just missed us.
The typhoon, #9, was pretty strong. It kept Mom and Dad awake through the night. Our porch was a mess! The washing machine fell over, and everything that wasn't stable was scattered all around the place! I had to wash our bicycles so they won't rust. But, there was nothing big around our area, so we are good.
I found out that the new iPod Touch is $400! For me, that's pretty expensive! It will take years to get that much allowance! My Dad says, it's better than getting a big stereo. The new nano(iPod) is good because you can play videos on it. But, I might save my money for something else. I also want to know how to put DVD videos on iTunes. If someone knows, please give me a comment so I'll know what to do.
That's all for today
See ya!

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