Monday, September 24, 2007

TGS (Tokyo Game Show)!

It's cloudy today, but yesterday was a beautiful day. Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, and we also went to the Tokyo Game Show!
We took an early train to Makuhari (Near Tokyo), and followed a big group of people because we knew they were going to the game show. As the group got bigger and bigger, we bought the tickets and lined up where the others did, and walked all around two wide buildings for about 10 minutes. It wasn't opening time yet, but there were more than 2000 people in front of us! Not to mention the other 4000 behind us! The gates opened about 12 minutes a head of schedule, and we went in the huge dark room with flashy displays, and big monitors. The first place we went was the Microsoft area, where they have the Xbox 360.
I lined up to a flight simulator, and it was great! It's called 'Ace Combat 6', and it felt like flying a real airplane in a movie scene! We also played 'HALO 3'. It was my first time playing it so it was complicated! But, the graphics were great. Also, both of these games can be played on the Internet, so you can play with people in the US from Japan!
Those were the only games we were able to play, because the other playables were lined up for over an hour! We just saw them from a distance. But, most of these games had good graphics too!
We also went to high school and college exhibitions, to learn about going to those schools. They'll send me some information. It was very crowded and noisy, but it was fun!
That's all for today!
See ya!

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