Friday, September 28, 2007

The "General of Winter" is Here!

The weather is nice, but the wind is howling! We're right on the edge where the fronts of Summer and Fall fight each other. Everybody call this the ' fuyu shogun '. It means ' The general of Winter'. We notice it very easily, because the wind is cool and very very strong. We sometimes call it a 'Dry'phoon. It really is, just a typhoon with no rain!
Today I'm going to try to put a video on my blog. Blogger made a new tool that you can put videos easly! So, The video below is a animation that I made about 5 months ago, or more! I think I blogged about it when I finished. I made this animation by moving my lego mini figures picture by picture, and setting the moves so it goes with the song. The image is blurry because of the camera, but you can see their movements. The music is from the 'Gypsy Kings' and the song is 'volare'. Enjoy!

How do you think? There's a 5 days work! I might put some more videos on, but I don't know yet.
That's all for today!
See ya!

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