Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tai-Chi Event!

The weather is beautiful today. It's getting cool these days, but it's warm enough today.
I just got a letter and a beautiful calender for 2008 from my uncle and aunt, actually they are my god-parents, in Pennsylvania. The picture on the top is the calender, and the photo on it is Mount Hood in Oregon. There are a lot more beautiful photos in it! I like it!
Last week me and my Family went to a Tai-chi event, that my class signed-up for. It was my second time going there, but the first time to participate in it. We performed a part of a basic form and for the first time the Chinese sword. I think I blogged about the sword before. It went well; we didn't have any mistakes. The other people were fantastic! There were a lot of weapons and also with some cool music. It was great!
I also put another video on Google videos. To see it Click Here.
That's all for today!
See ya!

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