Friday, September 28, 2007

The "General of Winter" is Here!

The weather is nice, but the wind is howling! We're right on the edge where the fronts of Summer and Fall fight each other. Everybody call this the ' fuyu shogun '. It means ' The general of Winter'. We notice it very easily, because the wind is cool and very very strong. We sometimes call it a 'Dry'phoon. It really is, just a typhoon with no rain!
Today I'm going to try to put a video on my blog. Blogger made a new tool that you can put videos easly! So, The video below is a animation that I made about 5 months ago, or more! I think I blogged about it when I finished. I made this animation by moving my lego mini figures picture by picture, and setting the moves so it goes with the song. The image is blurry because of the camera, but you can see their movements. The music is from the 'Gypsy Kings' and the song is 'volare'. Enjoy!

How do you think? There's a 5 days work! I might put some more videos on, but I don't know yet.
That's all for today!
See ya!

Monday, September 24, 2007

TGS (Tokyo Game Show)!

It's cloudy today, but yesterday was a beautiful day. Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, and we also went to the Tokyo Game Show!
We took an early train to Makuhari (Near Tokyo), and followed a big group of people because we knew they were going to the game show. As the group got bigger and bigger, we bought the tickets and lined up where the others did, and walked all around two wide buildings for about 10 minutes. It wasn't opening time yet, but there were more than 2000 people in front of us! Not to mention the other 4000 behind us! The gates opened about 12 minutes a head of schedule, and we went in the huge dark room with flashy displays, and big monitors. The first place we went was the Microsoft area, where they have the Xbox 360.
I lined up to a flight simulator, and it was great! It's called 'Ace Combat 6', and it felt like flying a real airplane in a movie scene! We also played 'HALO 3'. It was my first time playing it so it was complicated! But, the graphics were great. Also, both of these games can be played on the Internet, so you can play with people in the US from Japan!
Those were the only games we were able to play, because the other playables were lined up for over an hour! We just saw them from a distance. But, most of these games had good graphics too!
We also went to high school and college exhibitions, to learn about going to those schools. They'll send me some information. It was very crowded and noisy, but it was fun!
That's all for today!
See ya!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Movie Stars!

It's cloudy, but not raining so I'm happy. It's been nice since last weekend. We ate outside a lot, but yesterday was very windy! The table almost flew away!
This sunday we might go to the 'Tokyo Game Show'. It's one of the biggest game shows in the world. They unveil new games, new gadgets and they have alot of try outs for games that are not out in stores yet. We never been to a game show before. I only see them on television with a lot of people, and a lot of blinking lights and displays. The one on Sunday is for regular people, and last week was for business people. For the stuff they really want to keep a secret! We still don't know if we are going to go yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Next month, Mom and I, and maybe Dad, are going to a nearby town to be extra in a movie. The movie is called "Survivors in 252" in Japanese. It's a movie about a great typhoon hitting Japan. This is what it says on the paper... "Scenario: People running to a nearby subway station to escape from the incredible strength of the typhoon." It also says it takes a week! I'm not that familier with show business, but a week for filming some people running!? Wow. The cool thing is that we are going to get paid, but we still don't know if we got the part. I Hope so...
That's all for today!
See ya!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Not much to say!

It's still cloudy, and it might rain again! I wish it will clear up soon!
Our phone has died, and my Mom and Dad are going to buy a new one. We are hoping to get a one with a automatic answerer. We are borrowing our neighbor's old phone right now. But, we have some problems with the cords, because we don't have that many electric plugs!
The last blog I said that the iPod touch was $400, but there are two types an 8 GB and a 12GB. The 8GB one was $299. Sorry to suprise you! But, I still don't know if i'm going to buy one. It's still too expensive for me! Sorry about the short blog today. There's nothing I can think about today.
That's all for today!
See ya!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Storm Results

It's another rainy day today here in Japan. It might rain for the whole week. Strange, because usually after a typhoon it's usually clear for a week. There's another typhoon that just missed us.
The typhoon, #9, was pretty strong. It kept Mom and Dad awake through the night. Our porch was a mess! The washing machine fell over, and everything that wasn't stable was scattered all around the place! I had to wash our bicycles so they won't rust. But, there was nothing big around our area, so we are good.
I found out that the new iPod Touch is $400! For me, that's pretty expensive! It will take years to get that much allowance! My Dad says, it's better than getting a big stereo. The new nano(iPod) is good because you can play videos on it. But, I might save my money for something else. I also want to know how to put DVD videos on iTunes. If someone knows, please give me a comment so I'll know what to do.
That's all for today
See ya!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Typhoooon #7!

We've have a typhoon approching. The wind is howling, and it's raining nonstop. But, not to worry, because it's not as strong or dangerous as a hurricane. It's more like a tropical depression. The map on the top show's the path, and the white dot passes the Izu peninsula. It's also very slow.
Apple has unveiled their new iPods. An new iPod nano that can play movies, and a very new iPod called the iPod Touch. It's just an iPhone without a phone! You can see movie's, your pictures (in a very cool way!). It also has a special button to go on Youtube! It has a wireless browser, Safari, so you can surf the net almost anywhere. If you want to know more, you can go to
That's all for today!
Hope the typhoon dies out quicker!
See ya!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Summer is Done!

Summer vacation is over and I'm back in school! It got cooler, but the weather person says that it's going to be 31'C (87.8'F) today. It's cloudy ,and it could rain.
We went to Tokyo last week for a 3 day stay. We didn't go to watch Sumo this time, we went there for some sightseeing. We went to some new buildings, mostly fashion stores, but the food shops there were cool. We went for lunch in one of them and the inside was like a cave in the Carribean. The volume of the food there was HUGE! Dad barely finished his , and Mom couldn't finish hers, so I had to help her!
We also went to a movie called "Ratatouille". It's about a rat named Remy with a taste for good 'food' rather than garbage. I don't want to tell you too much, but it's a cute movie.
That's all for today
See ya!