Sunday, January 22, 2006

School Days 2 (The pool)

Really cold and a good day in Japan; it snowed really hard yesterday in Tokyo!
Today I will talk about my school again (Part 2).
Well, at last, I can chatter in japanese and, of course I made a lot of friends!
It was summer that time so we had pool but, I lived in America and, like a lot of countries, didn't have a pool.
I was thinking that swiming was a piece of cake. But no!! I could not even float that time!
But now I can swim (a little).

Saturday, January 14, 2006


It has been a while since I blogged. We started school again so I think I can't blog unless it is a weekend.
Anyway, it is a nasty day in Japan and I just heard thunder too.
Tomorrow we are going to Tokyo to see sumo!!!
I am really excited, and I love bus trips!
Sumo is japanese wrestling. In the Edo period ( I am not sure) if you were late to wrestle, or did something stupid you would get your throat cut!
Uuuu~. Well of course, now they do not do that any more. But, the referee still carries a knife.
Above is a picture of me with Roho, a Russian sumo star, taken last year.
I finally got my Ipod! When I get used to it I am thinking of starting a podcast. So please be waiting for my podcast!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My First Day in School

Today in the morning there was snow on the ground, but first I thought I was dreaming!
Today's story is about my friends and school.This is my school in the picture.(sports day).
My 1st day of school in Japan I did not know anything about the school rules, and I only knew "Hello","Thank you" and easy words that do not work in conversation.
(me)"PANIC, PANIC, PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, I'm finally in the class room and my teacher was talking about something that I never heard before.
(Teacher), "@^#^#%&#^@$!!~$(^$^)*&^&"
(me), "EE?"
Then I was puting my backpack in my locker and suddenly the students ran to me and tried to say something all at once.
I almost could not breath!! Well, anyway we were studying math and arts, and then "kanji"(Chinese style characters). (I hate kanji!!)
Thay have 2001 kinds of kanji!! How can you learn that much !!!!!!
Well, my school adventure has begun and I will write more about it tomorrow.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Crow Wars II

Today is a strange day again and is cold, cold, cold!!!!!!!!!!!
This a sequel of yesterday's story.
I saw this in a japanese newspaper, that someone saw a crow puting a "nut" on the road and waiting for a few seconds,
then a car runs over the nut and opens it, and the crow got the nut and flu away.
So you can see that the smarty crow used the car as a nut cracker.
There is one more story that I experienced.
We were going on a trip to Tokyo, and we had to change trains.
It was boring waiting so I was watching a crow on the train, and the train started to move so the crow moved away.
Then one more train came, and the crow got up on the train again, then again.
I thought there was some thing strange about the crow, then I saw again that the crow was eating something!
So this crow was using the train as a free lunch buffet! Dad and I called the crow "Action Star", because it was living dangerously.
Well is the weekend again, and 4 more days until school starts, it will be good to see my friends again.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Crow Wars

Today when I got up, I heard crows squawking outside so I thought It was going to be a nice day, but nooo!
It's cloudy and snowing, but the snow will not stick.I love snow, but if it doesn't stick it's boring!!!!
Oh! It's starting to stick!
Well the story today is about japanese crows. Some of the crows act like parakeets.
One crow cawed, "OHAYOU!!"(good morning in japanese), and another crow was disgusting!
They are big and you can get really close to them. In Tokyo you can not get close to the garbage bins because you will get hit by them.
They are everywere! 20,000 crows fly in to Tokyo every day and fly out at night. It looks like an air force coming in.
Well, that's all for today, and thank you to "Links" in Malaysia for posting a comment on yesterdays blog.
My Dad has had a blog for 2 years and never got a comment.
My Mom has a blog of japanese flower arrangement so go take a look. I have put a link to the right.
If the snow sticks I will post a picture.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The View From our House

This is a story when we start living in Japan.
One day my Dad and I went for a little hike over the hill behind our house.
It was a piece of cake (kind of),but when we were going back to the house,I saw this huge mountain over the ocean.
(me)>"Dad is that Mt.Fuji!?"
(Dad)>"No,its to!? Son, that might be it!"
You can see for yourself! The picture above shows Mt.Fuji in the distance, in front, on the hill top, is Tateyama castle.
After we saw Japan's most famous mountain we showed Mom.
She couldent believe it too!
I can see it all day if it's a clear day.
That's all for today.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Nice Day at Japan!

It is a beautiful day in Japan.It's a little(very!) windy outside.
I saw that West Virginia had a mine accident.God bless all 13 workers.
Today is a such a nice day my friend is coming over to my house.That is one reason that I'm happy.
One more thing that I am geting a Ipod nano, so I can start my podcast!!
God bless the workers again,and we wish them a safe return.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hi! My Name is Duke!

Hi my name is Duke. I will write about my days and I might even start a "podcast" so you can email me, listen to music and me talking and lots more.
My hobby is playing with "Legos",and I can play the guitar.I am doing "Aikido".It is a Japanese martial art.By the way, I live in Japan.I was born here 12 years ago but I lived in America for 3 years and started school there. My father teaches English and my mother is a great cook!
Thats all for today until I get used to Blogger.