Thursday, April 12, 2007

Baseball Season AGAIN!

It's a nice day! You can see the beautiful blue sky!
My Dad is now watching a Boston "Red Sox" vs Seattle "Mariners" game. On Japanese television, they are talking about, the new Japanese pitcher for the, Red Sox "Daisuke Matsuzaka", and "Ichiro Suzuki" from the Mariners, competing. It looks like Ichiro had a bad day on that, but still the Mariners are winning.
Yes, baseball season is here...(*sigh). I like playing baseball but, I'm not that intrested in watching a game. But, if I could go to the game, that would be great.
Today I have 'tai-chi' and my teacher gave me a Chinese sword to use. No, it's not a real sword, it's made out of bamboo and painted and decorated so it will look like it's real. Bringing it to the place and bringing back home is a little hard.
That's all for today!
See Ya!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back From Tokyo!

It's partly cloudy today but, it's not too cold or not too hot.
The trip to Tokyo was great! We went to Yasukuni Shrine to see the cherry blossoms, and they were beautiful, really BEAUTIFUL! There were alot of people there too; since it was still spring vacation. And the cherry blossoms were falling like snow, and the paths were like pink carpets! Wow.
After that we went to see a movie called "HAPPY FEET". Wow, good thing I saw it in the theater! The graphics were great! I heard that there is a 3D version of the movie. That would be perfect! I should stop talking about it before I start to spoil the movie for you! But, one thing that I want to say is that, if you can, watch it at a theater!
Home schooling started today! Yes, my second year has started! Since I didn't have any problems on year1. Hope I have a wonderful year again.

That's all for today!
See Ya!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Flower Problem!

It's raining a little bit today, but it's starting to get warm.
My Mom and Dad were talking about what daffodils are and what jonquils are. We checked on the Internet, and the result was that there are three names for daffodils, and a extra name from West Virginia called "Easter lilies"! Here is the text we saw:

What exactly is the difference between a daffodil(on the left), a narcissus, and a jonquil(on th right)? The simple answer is nothing, or "it depends". All three terms are used as common names in many cases and used incorrectly. Narcissus is technically the only correct scientific name identifying the genus of this group of plants. It is not a common name, though some use it as such. Daffodil is typically used as a collective name for all these plants, but is more often used to describe the larger flowered types. Jonquil is a name sometimes used for this group as well, but actually only applies to a very small subgroup, Narcissus jonquilla and related hybrids, which typically have several small, fragrant flowers on each stem with flat petals. The foliage is very narrow and reed-like, according to the American Daffodil Society.

American Daffodil Society !? Wow!
They say that daffodil bulbs would not be eaten by squirrels and other bulb eating critters.
Hopefully, we are going to Tokyo tomorow. We are going to see some cherry blossoms at the National Shrine of the War Dead, or the "Yasukuni" shrine. The cherry blossoms are beautiful there. Hope it will be a nice day!
That's all for today!
6 more days until my spring vacation is over...ha.
See Ya!