Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Morning Haiku

Hi! It's a beautiful day. We ate breakfast outside and we composed "haiku"
because it was so beautiful.
My Dad's haiku is;

A summer morning
while eating breakfast
seahawks song.

My haiku is;


  The morning sky
  you can barely see
  the seahawks fly.

I hope you have a beautiful day too,
   try to write a haiku!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Outside is Great!

Hi and "T.G.I.F."!
Yes, it's Friday in Japan. We are having some good weather too.
Did you recognize on the last blog that I made a bilingual blog? The Japanese
was for the people that gave me the "tatejiku" - hanging scroll. I might write another Japanese
blog for my friends!
The weather cleared up so we started to do a class outside. It's a bit windy, but
It was better than inside! We eat outside too. I can't wait until SUMMER!!!!!
Well that's all for today. See you at Monday!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Japanese poetry 日本の短歌(日本語つき)

Hi readers!
We have a sunny day today! Yahoooooooooo!
Today's news is about Japanese poetry.
When I was in the 6th grade, we had a Japanese poetry
contest for all kids in Japan. It was homework for the winter break.
So, I just made an easy poem;
"My father, even though he is American,
the things he likes
are Japanese.
Martial arts and food"
and submitted it.
Then a few weeks past and I forgot all about the contest. Then I was sent a message by one
of the teachers. I went in the teachers room and I handed him the message.
Then another teacher said that I won 4th place in the contest! I could not
believe it. I got a prize for it (not money!!). Yesterday I got a "tatejiku",
a Japanese way hanging a poem, written it beautiful calligraphy.
I was very surprised to get it from Mrs Hoshino and the Shikinami no kai;
the organization that sponsors the contest each year.
You can see it in the picture to the right.
I hope to write more poetry in the future.
Well that's all !

「マイファーザー アメリカ人 でも 好きなもの 日本の武道 日本の食事」
という短歌を「しきなみ子供短歌 コンテスト」にだして4位をとりました。

Friday, May 19, 2006

Crow Wars 3

Hi guys! It was raining AGAIN until lunch time. Actually, now I can see the sun! HOORAY!
But if I look at my weather wigit on "Google Desktop" it will rain AGAIN tomorow.
My Mom and Dad are getting crazy. Actually I am too. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Well, I will stop goofing and go on with the blog.
Remember when I blogged about the crows? I don't know, but I think they are trying to conquer
Japan! I saw on the news that the population of crows, in Japan, is going to be bigger than the
population of people! Talk about OH, NO!!!! What should we do?!Oh well.
Yesterday I had Tai Chi and it was FUN! I also make silly movies that plays on Windows movie player!
Well, that's all for today! Watch out for the crows!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mars is Cool!

Hi everyone! It's still raining, and for the next few days too! I wish it would stop soon.
Today I studied about Mars. It has 2 moons Phobos and Deimos. They say that they
are asteroids that have been captured by the Martian gravity. In 50,000 years Phobos
will crash into Mars. We don't care! Phobos means "fear" and Demios means "panic"
in Greek.
There is a mountain, volcano actually, called "Olympus Mons". It is 88,000 feet (27,000 meters)high!
It is the biggest mountain in the solar system! Also there is a canyon so long it can go from California to New York!
Thats all! See Ya!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tai Chi is Great!

Hello! The weather is little better than yesterday, and it got
a little warmer too. But a tropical storm is coming this way!
But do not worry, it's not like a hurricane.
Today I'd like to talk about "Tai Chi". Tai Chi is a Chinese
martial art, but it is very slow and good for all ages.
I started three weeks ago. It is very strange because
when you move, you can feel something in your hand.
That is "Ki"! I also study Aikido. It also has Ki. That's
why I'm studying Tai Chi. I hope I get good at it.
People in China do it until they are very old!
That's all for today! See Ya!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Home School Started!

Hi! This is my 1st blog since I started home schooling.
I study Japanese, Arabic, English, math and much more!
My favorite is computer programming. It's hard, but when
you get to know how it works you can make games and
little programs.
Today in Japan the weather is cloudy and it has been raining
almost every day, but yesterday was fine. It's not getting warm
I went to the Prado museum exhibition in Tokyo. A lot of good
art and a lot of people! Well, we got to see the art with no trouble
so we had a good time.
That's all for today!