Wednesday, July 02, 2008


It's a beautiful day, and it's been that way from Monday! Very good because I can get my exercise. I'm a bit stiff from yesterday's Aikido practice already, hehe.
I've been using a communication system called "Twitter". I blogged about it last time that I've been using this a lot. Now I'm a big "twitterholic"! It's very fun, you can talk to your family or your friends at work, also talk to people around the world! It's simple, every post has to be under 140 letters. You can post anything, cooking, watching TV, eating, gaming, etc. Then, eventually, you will get followers that are also interested in cooking, eating, etc.! When you really want to talk about your hobbies, "Twitter" is the best!
Dad uses "Twitter"for his students to practice English, and Mom too! Some problems are that there are a lot of sales people, or spammers on it. That makes the twitter page slower, so most of the time it says that Twitter is over capacity.
I'm right now saving money to get a laptop. It will be very useful for my studies, and computer programing. There are a lot of good looking computers out. It's very hard to pick one! Also I have to look for one that I can afford .
That's all for today!
Hope this weather stays nice.
See ya!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy, Busy!!

Wow, it's been two months since my last blog!
It's a nice and hot day. I just took a walk around the rice paddies; it was great!
We've been very busy. We are teaching Japanese to forign students. They come to Japan to work, but they still don't know how to speak Japanese. So we teach them simple Japanese, and words that you use at work. We do it 8 hours a day!! This was the first time to teach Japanese, and we had a good student to start with. Our student learned some Japanese at his school and then came to Japan, so it was very smooth teaching him. He was also very polite, he will get along with Japanese easily! Well, we next have a group coming, but it will be a month before that.
We are now playing with a new comunication system called "Twitter". It's very fun! We do it every day. It's like a blog but it's very short, 140 letters only. It's also popular in Japan! There's already a Japanese version out. If your interested, feel free to check it out!
That's all for today!
Hope it gets warmer.
See ya!

Friday, April 18, 2008


It's very cloudy here and the rain is going off and on. It's a bit cold too.
We are having fun with this new game I bought for the 'Wii'. It's called "Mario kart wii". It's a racing game and it's very very FUN!! The picture at the top is the 'Wii wheel', the controller for the game, you can turn left and right just like your driving a real car. The graphics also are very good, and the programing. You can also race with your "Mii"( a character that looks just like you ), so it's like your really in the game! The coolest thing about this game is you can play with people all around the world! You can play with someone in America, Euroupe, Spain, France, etc.!! It's too bad you can't talk with them. Also playing with your family is very fun.
I started to learn Spanish. It's much easier than Arabic since the alphabet is just like English. A lot of the words in Spanish are similar to English, and some Arabic too! Even though I just started learning a week ago, I can understand some of the sentences.
That's all for today!
iHasta la vista!
(See ya!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Money, money ,money...

It's a rainy day here in Japan and it will rain worse tomorrow.
Today I learned about "Money as Debt" by watching a video on Google videos. Did you know most of the money in the world isn't real? In a ratio of 9:1 or more it is "made up" money that ends up in being debt. The banks do this to live off interest. Banks also make their own money from loans! Benjamin Franklin said that the revolutionary war was fought to escape from the European banks! It's very complicated, but one thing I got is debt is money; no debt no money!
I also learned about the "New challenges aggravating plight of hungry" from a news article written by Ban Ki Moon the United Nations secretary general. Food prices are soaring, so millions of the world's most vulnerable people are at risk. To solve this problem the leaders at the U.N. summit aim to reduce the proportion of hungry people by half by 2015. This is called the Millennium Development Goals. But, this is a very big challenge! The price of basic food staples, like wheat, corn, and rice, have increased up to 50% from the last 6 months! Also bio-fuels are reducing food for humans. It was all very interesting, it was in the Washington post on the internet. I hope they succeed.
That's all for today!
see ya!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Computer Problems!!

Hi and long time no see! I haven't blogged since last year! So happy new year!
It's pretty cloudy and the weather person said it might rain a little. It also got warmer this week.
We had some computer problems with our mouse and monitor. First the mouse didn't click normally, so we got a wireless laser mouse. Very good, very smooth, you have to change the battery once a month or so, but it's worth it! The monitor was the big problem. When we turned it on we saw flat screen of our desktop, and some blinking sparks. We didn't know if it was the monitor or the computer. My Dad didn't want to have two working monitors with a broken computer! So we did some testing and finally knew it was the monitor. Then we bought a flat screen 17inch monitor. It is SUPER!!! We couldn't believe. It was like we got a new computer! Since the screen is wide we have more space on our desktop. Also, it's less space taking and light, and cheaper than our old monitor!
that's all for today!
See ya

Friday, December 28, 2007

Get in Shape!!

Wow, 4 more days until New Years! Time flys!
Today's picture is me holding a "kettlebell", a weight that is used in Russian Special Forces and American Special Forces for training. My Dad gave it to me for Christmas. It really does the work! I use it almost everyday, and my arms are sore today. It was a workout trying to take that picture!
Mom and Dad also got me a "WiiFit". It looks like a weight scale, it actually is a high tech scale! It tells BMI (Body Mass Index), and your weight. It has 4 balance sensors that senses which way you're swaying. Also "Fit" stands for fitness, so it's used for being is shape! It has "Yoga", a stretch or balance exercise that started from India, muscle training, aerobic exercises, and balance games. For Yoga and muscle training, it's just like an interactive exercise DVD! It will show you the moves one by one, and a little screen that shows you where your center should be. Being Nintendo, of course it has games, that are fun!!
That's all for today!
I will try to blog once more this year!
But, just in case I can't, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
See ya!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aikido! 合気道

It's been a long time since I blogged! I should keep track of it.
Wow, it's already December! It's 13 more days until Christmas too! We have to put our Christmas tree out.
Today's picture is me doing an "Ukemi", a way of falling down or rolling and not getting hurt. The "Ukemi" is very useful in a lot of cases. A lot of stuntmen in movies use this too. The man on the right is my new teacher. I'm going to night time classes on Tuesdays too. So, I have 2 classes now.
I've been learning Aikido for 4 years I think. I had some Judo lessons before Aikido but some how It didn't last that long.
I'm catching up with the high level people little by little. I took an test recently for gradeing up, and I hope I passed it!
It got pretty cold from the start of December. The weather was great since yesterday. The weather person said it's going to rain again tonight, and going to be an pretty rainy day tomorrow. Oh well...
That's all for today!
Happy Holidays!
See ya.