Wednesday, July 02, 2008


It's a beautiful day, and it's been that way from Monday! Very good because I can get my exercise. I'm a bit stiff from yesterday's Aikido practice already, hehe.
I've been using a communication system called "Twitter". I blogged about it last time that I've been using this a lot. Now I'm a big "twitterholic"! It's very fun, you can talk to your family or your friends at work, also talk to people around the world! It's simple, every post has to be under 140 letters. You can post anything, cooking, watching TV, eating, gaming, etc. Then, eventually, you will get followers that are also interested in cooking, eating, etc.! When you really want to talk about your hobbies, "Twitter" is the best!
Dad uses "Twitter"for his students to practice English, and Mom too! Some problems are that there are a lot of sales people, or spammers on it. That makes the twitter page slower, so most of the time it says that Twitter is over capacity.
I'm right now saving money to get a laptop. It will be very useful for my studies, and computer programing. There are a lot of good looking computers out. It's very hard to pick one! Also I have to look for one that I can afford .
That's all for today!
Hope this weather stays nice.
See ya!

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