Tuesday, November 28, 2006

”読書の秋”: Autumn Reading

We are having some cloudy weather today. It's getting really cold too. But, today, it's ok!
Today I started to read Washington Living's "Rip Van Winkle". Before I started this story I finished Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island". It was a great story! Some of the words in the story were really old so it was a little hard to read. But, It was a good pirate story. If you saw the "Pirate's of the Caribbean"(1 or 2) you can see that Disney used some of the names and 'legends' in the story.
The story of "Rip Van Winkle" uses beautiful words, and you can see, as you read, a picture in you mind; mountains and clouds and people. It looks like a really shorter story than "Treasure Island", but there is a lot of dificult words in the story. Comment me on the 'comment link' right below this blog and tell me about your favorite books. I might use the book you like for my next story to read!
One month until Christmas! Wow, time flies! That's all for today!
See ya!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Man, It's cold!

It's cold and cloudy. It was warm 2 days ago. Where did the heat go!? Oh well.
We had a tsunami watch this Wednesday. Hokkido had a evacuation call. It was not bad. I was asleep that time when the tsunami hit Hokkido. It was just a 2 foot rise in water level, no problem.
Japan is really watching out for those tsunamis because in the year that I was born, a big tsunami struck at Hokkido and a village was wiped out and a lot of people died. 2 years ago, a big tsunami struck in the Indian sea area. That, time they did not have a tsunami watch system. Japan has a lot of tecnology so they know when to move. Hokkido's takeing a lot of hits! Tornado 1 day, tsunami the next! And it get's really cold there.
Well, that's all for today! I hope I get something warm for dinner.
See Ya!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tornado Strikes in Hokkaido

It's freezing! Maybe not that cold but, it was very cold this morning. Also the wind is strong.
Speaking of wind, there is a big news in Japan.

" 'Tornado kills at least nine in northern Japan'"
At least nine people were killed, at least 20 injured and others trapped under rubble when a tornado hit northern Japan Tuesday, local officials said.
Officials said the tornado demolished two prefabricated buildings at a construction site, about eight private houses and a factory.
Two people were still missing, said an official at the fire department in Engaru, on the northeastern part of Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. He added that rescue efforts were being hampered by rain and a power blackout."
from: http://today.reuters.com

Yes, there has been a tornado in "Hokkaido". The red X on the map is where the tornado struck.
Yestreday was very windy over here too! As you can see, on the news script, that the buildings were prefabricated. That advanced the destruction. It is really rare to have a tornado in Japan, they do not have the equipment for tornado watchs. Very scary!
It's beginning to be when you're hungry, and sleepy, and "It's too cold, I miss Summer." feeling. Ah! Winter! Why does it have to be so cold! Ah! Winter!
My Dad is watching the election on "CNN". I looks very complicated. And my Mom is still at work. She is substituting for an office worker at my Dad's school. That's all for today!
See Ya!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nothing to Do About Snakes!

It's cold! Last night, when I was outside, I already could see my breath. Today, it is a cloudy day. It was fine in the morning though.
My Dad has a cold. It started 4 days ago, I think the cold weather got him, I hope he gets better. Since I am doing "home schooling", I got to be careful not get his cold.
Today, a book has arrived. The book is about computer programing, "Python". It dosn't have anything to do about snakes! The name is named after the group called "The Monte 'Python' ". I don't know anything but "spam, spam, spam, spam..." from them. Well any way, the book came and we (my Dad and I) are going to use it for "home schooling"; computer programing. It's realy fun, it's like solving a puzzle. And making games are really fun.
Sorry about not haveing pictures on the last blog. I'm going to try it this time.
That's all for today! Try not to catch a cold!
See Ya!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Getting Colder

Today it might start to rain, and it's a bit cold. I have three layers of shirts on!
Our supermarket "ODOYA" is under construction. They started to sell all kinds of foreign stuff. It was inconvenient. The Seven Eleven convenience store was better than Odoya. But, when they started to sell foreign stuff (like Belgian chocolate!!) we started to go there a lot.
Tateyama has changed a lot since we came here. A brige was built, a lot of new shopping places were built, and a lot more houses were built. But, I think that it got a little noisy!
This month we might go to "Yokohama" to visit some freinds that moved there about 8 months ago. Yokohama is right beside Tokyo metropolitan area. But we live across Tokyo bay. So we might go by ferry.
There is also a bicycle show at Tokyo this month. We are looking forward to that too.
We started to get American Beef again in the stores ! And my Dad is fixing up steak sandwich! Hee hee hee!
I can't believe that it is November already! I didn't know that time flies that fast. And some how, I think this is going to be a very cold and a long winter.That's all for today!
Sorry no pictures today Blogger seems to be having problems with something.
See ya!