Friday, October 27, 2006

Halloween Party!

It was raining in the morning but, the sky is back to normal and it's beautiful!
The Halloween party was great! 52 kids with their parents! It was really a full house. Most of them were little kids from kindergarden or even pre-school! They were soooo CUTE!!! They had some good costumes too.
We did some pumpkin carving with some HUGE pumpkins. My Dad hurt his back a little when he was taking it to the party room. But, the kids made great jack-o-lanterns. Some of the pumpkin skins were hard and shaped really odd but, the kids tried to carve thruoght the hard skin and made some good jack-o-lanterns.
Also the "Trick or Treat" was a great succses. The owner of the "Akitaya ( A Japanese restaurant that we often go)" had a "Namahage Mask (a gnome mask) see picture at the right" and I had a noise maker and it was a little scary, but for the kids, ohoooo , it was scary. A lot of kids cried! But, after that they say that it was fun.
Well that's all for today. On my Dad's blog, he is going to blog about the "Bossa Nova Party" that was after the Halloween party. To go to his site just click the link that says "My Dad's Blog".
See ya!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Beautiful Day!

I love the weather, It's beautiful! It was a little cloudy yesterday but, it's back to normal now. It's been like this for a week and a half. I heard on the news that it snowed in New York and other locations in America. I didn't know that it was that cold over there.
Two days until "Halloween Party" and a "Bossa Nova party". My Dad's boss likes "Bossa Nova", in the evening we are going to have that and on the same day we have our Halloween Party. A little busy don't you think?
My Dad is in his October sports mode. Baseball, (American)Football, and the next sumo season starts in two weeks! It gives all the politicians of the world a break- no nasty e-mails! But,it dosn't give ME a break. Soon as I want to do something , like playing the video game, there is some thing on the television. Good grief!
Our water pipe was leaking so the workers are going in and out. My Dad is going to blog about this on his blog. You can go to his blog by clicking the link on the right of the page that says "My Dad's blog". My Mom is also doing a blog about ikebana. You can go to her page by clicking the link that says "My Mom's blog". She hasn't posted a long time. I took a picture of her recent work (The picture on the upper right hand corner).
Well that's all for today! See Ya!

Friday, October 13, 2006

New Links Added

The weather is beautiful! No sign of rain clouds at all!
I have put a link on the right side of the page that says "Links". The one that says "Tateyama Station WebCam" is a live camera of our local station view. (The picture on the upper right hand corner is the station from my Dad's home town in America, Grafton, W.V., and on the left is our local station. )You can control the camera by clicking the "Start control" button. Some of the controls do not work so just play around with it. Below the "Tateyama Station WebCam" there is another webcam from "Wada" beach area. You can control the camera as well.
I also put a link to my Dad's new blog called "Japan a la carte". Don't be confused by the name, it's in English! Just click on the link that says "My Dad's Blog".
I have seen the airplane crash in New York. First I thought it was another terrorist attack. But, it was a two seater airplane so I think it was an accident. I am sorry for the N.Y. Yankees pitcher, Cory Lidle. I wonder why he was flying that low. And he looked like a safe pilot too.
That's all for today. Next time, I will try not to blog a lot about links!!
See ya!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Halloween Party on the 21st!

Finally the season is nice! It's been like this for 4 days. But, they say that its going to rain tonight. We don't know yet!
On the 21st, we are going to have a Halloween party at Dad's English school. We are going to carve some jack-o-lanterns, and play all kinds of games and have treats. We are going to do trick or treat too! There is this scary place to go, but it's just a harmless restaurant.
I remember when I was in America, I was a spider. My Mom makes great costumes. She makes it scary. There was a house decorated real scary, I ran back down the stairs. I met people with great costumes, and I got a lot of candy too! In Japan, we don't do any thing like that. I realy miss it, but I just thought that I am too big for that now! I wish there was trick or treat for big kids!
Well, I hope it will not rain tonight. I love shiny weather.
The picture is from Tateyama station today.
I will put a link for a "web cam" of Tateyama statio. This is the site>>
That's all for today!
See ya!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Discover Japan!

It's raining today (AGAIN!!!). And it's cold outside.
Tomorrow, my Dad will be not home for two days because there is "English camp" for the school he is working for. They are going to the "Hakkakusou". I think it means "eight sided house" in Japanese. A lot of foreigners stay there for a few days to learn about Japan, many people from Tokyo, including kids too! The owner of the place is Mr. David Green. He came to Japan and he wanted to tell every body how great Japan is. His homepage address is . There is a English site and a Japanese site. And right now he is making another place for his camp. I hope it will not rain tomorrow.
I feel that autumn is here. No sign of summer any more. That's all for today!
See Ya!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We Love "Nabe-mono"!

It's a rainy day today. The sun was out for about an hour but, it started to cloud up again.
Last week my Dad had a 1 week vacation . We had a power walk on Monday. We just walked up the hill near by. It took about an hour. It was a great workout. That night, since it was cold, we had " nabe-mono". "Nabe-mono is a Japanese dish. You put meat, vegetables and other kinds of stuff in a broth. The word "nabe" means "pot" or a "earthen ware pot" in Japanese. You put all the ingredients in the pot and heat it up. There are all kinds of nabe-mono. There are sea food nabe, meat nabe, and the sumo wrestlers like the "chanco nabe. It has alot of nutrition for them.
The sun is coming out again. I hope it will clear up tomorrow.
Well, thats all for today. See ya!