Friday, July 28, 2006

Summer is Here!

Hey, hey, hey!
Summer vacation has started! But, I still have home schooling to do!
Rainy season is finally over. It might rain some more but the hard weather is gone.
It might rain this weekend.
The picture is from my Dad's friend in West Virginia, they are baby geese.
The women here are giving up their umbrellas for sun shade umbrellas called "higasa"
It is geting hot and the A.C. is on most of the time. We can hear the cicada, or as they say "Katydids". My Father can't hear them but, we can!
That's all for today! See ya!
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sea Day

Hello world!
The rain just let up and the hot sun is coming out!
We had a three day weekend. Monday was "Sea Day
Why do we have Sea Day? Well, in America the land is
big and some of the people can't see the 'sea'! And some
people get to eat fish occasionally. We eat a lot of fish , here in Japan , like three or four times a week. We love the sea( If it's not so windy)! So, Japan made a day to celebrate the sea. The picture is a fishing boat and the flag means that they caught a lot of fish.
It's geting hot! We got a 95 F last week. I went to Aikido that day ! We don't have any AC at the practice hall! But, today we have a little break (77 F).
That's all for today! See Ya!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Duke's Robots

Long time since the last blog.
We want to cook out but, every weekend the weatherman
says it's going to rain. The bad thing is, it didn't rain a bit! Give us a break!
Remember I was talking about my "Lego Mindstorms". The first time I got that set, I was about 7 years old. The set was for 12 years up. So, I didn't know what was going on! I gave up on it . Then we moved to Japan and brought the set with us. I wanted to restart again. I finally understood it! Then a motor didn't work. I gave up again. Then one day I saw a robot show and there was the "Lego Mindstorms" robot running around. Then again I wanted to play with it. So I ordered a motor, and it arrived. We tested the motor but, the motor went backwords! Give me a break! We send it back and finally got a new one that does work! HOORAY, HOORAY! Above is a picture of the robot.
That's all for today!