Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hooray!! Japan won the world series of baseball!!
I don't watch baseball alot, but this game was goood!
Hi! I finally graduated from Hojo elementary!
You can see on top, there is a picture of my diploma.
On my next blog I'd like to put some more pictures from my graduation.
In America it's not even close to graduation season.
But in Japan we have graduation in March.
We have a break for about 2 weeks. Then, back to (home)school again!
That's all for today. See Ya!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Hey!! It is gray Sunday in Japan. My Dad is watching Sumo, and Mom is cooking pasta!!
She is a really good cook!
Today I'd like to talk about robots!
I love robots! You can see that I have one too!
Robots in Japan are really cool. One time we went to a robot fair, and I saw robot guards that
were runing in the fair, robots just like a real human and "Karakuri", Japanese for contraption.
Thay are selling them too. I am looking forward to the future.
That's all for today, and I like getting comments for my blog so I can get some ideas for my next
blog. See Ya!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Graduation Time!

Hi! It's a nice day in Japan, and I had a 24 hrs virus.
First we though it was the flu. My temperature was up to 102.
I had a good nap for 13 hrs and I feel much better now.
Today I am going to talk about graduation in my school.
I am going to graduate to junior high school in a week.
My school "Hojo elemetary" is crazy about graduation.
Now we are doing practice for it ALL DAY! For 2 weeks!!
Why? No idea!!!
Stand up, bow sit down, time, after time, after time!!
Maybe that's why I had a virus! Well it's one more week until graduation, and I hope I can blog often after that.